Karter has started to learn to roll. Now, I would not say he is "rolling", cause he is not rolling to get where he wants to go. He does roll over from his back to his tummy at least once a day (and of course back from his tummy to his back - but he will stay there for a bit). So we know he can do it. He does get his leg in the way, he needs to straighten it out so that he does not get frustrated, but he is doing really well!
He started last Monday with one roll. Then on my birthday he rolled twice fully and 90% of the way another time, later in the day. Ever since then he has been rolling to his side a lot, he even slept on his side one nap time. He continues each day to remember how to get completely over, so we are so thankful that he did not just do it and then forget.
His physiotherapist said that she really sees motivation in him - and that's what we want! He really is working hard to get over and to do more things. His sit ups are getting higher and higher everyday. One day I think he will sit right up. I tried to capture a couple in pictures, so you can get a sense of it. They are not the best, but at least you know what I mean now.
I mentioned to Sandy, his physiotherapist, that I am scared to say that we have actually turned a corner, for fear of being disappointed. But I can say this without worry, we have certainly closed the gap between when he is learning new things. I would be lying if I said that things were coming along at a fast pace, they aren't at this point, but we are moving forward much faster than before. So for that, we are so pleased.
We continue each day to claim that his healing is happening before our very eyes. And he gets stronger everyday. Our prayer is that things pick up at an alarming rate. That we start to close the gap that they said could never be closed. We set our sights on things that are far beyond our reach, for we serve a God who can attain those things.
Yeah- you little guy is going to have a six pack in no time!
Yes encouraging - we will continue to pray... one step at a time.
And why not set your sights high we serve an awesome God. Garry was looking at the pictures of Karter and the first thing he said was "He is going to do it, he is going to sit up!" and I say Amen...go ahead Karter sit up! It's all very exciting for those waiting for a miracle. Thanks for sharing it all with us. {{{{hugs}}}
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