Friday, April 22, 2011

HE GOT IN!!!!!!!!!!!!`

We got word this week that Karter will be going to James Hill this September! He got a space in the community special needs class. We are so happy. We know that this program suits his needs so well and that a program will be tailor made for him.

In the next two months, there will be a preschool visit from his future classroom teachers as well a transition meeting. We are so happy so see things moving in this direction and to have answers as to what the fall looks like for Karter.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Saturday night we went bowling with some friends and their kids. We had intentions of doing a nice walk or going to the park for a picnic but the weather did not cooperate. So in a last ditch effort to do something active and fun for the kids, we decided on bowling.

The lane rental was only $22/hr including shoes and games (for all 7 of us); I thought that was a GREAT deal. About 5 minutes into it, the manager came to us and asked if Karter would be bowling. I told him that he wasn't really able to, to which he told me that they had an adaptive shoot that would rest right on his wheelchair. He brought it out and we tried it; it was fantastic! With our help, Karter could roll the ball down the shoot and bowl. He loved watching the ball roll and hit the pins. I am not sure if he was more excited about the rolling ball or all of us cheering for him.

It brought such joy to my heart to be able to find another activity that he was able to participate in with all of us. It was such a fun night, something we will be doing again soon!

Here is a short video that Kurt put together

Friday, April 8, 2011

Just Because

...I had a bit of extra time today. I thought it would be fun to post a few new pictures of my precious boy.

Here we are celebrating Purple Day - Epilepsy Awareness Day

Chillin' On The Beach

Funny Faces

Loving his sister and her joking!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Grant Applications....

The process of applying for grants for the wheelchair van has now commenced. I spent about three hours the other day writing the application letter for one of the agencies that we are applying to for funds.

At this point, we will be applying for three grants. For the first, a letter of inquiry went in last week. The foundation will review and ensure we meet the criteria. Once they have made their determination they will send us an application package and I will get to work on that.

The other two charities have an application process. I have filled out the paperwork but now we start the process of getting quotes, letters from our doctors and therapists as well as meeting other criteria they set out for us.

Kurtis has been researching furiously different conversions, different vans and we are trying to determine what will suit Karter's needs best.

It looks like our project cost will be somewhere in the realm of about $60,000! Although this is a completely unattainable amount for us, it is not for God. We are trusting fully for the provision to make it happen.

As we embark on this process, we are asking that you cover us in prayer. That we would encounter favor in every area that we apply. It goes against what God has shown me in the past to NOT trust Him to make provisions; so I rest in that. A number is just that, a number, it is really insignificant when it comes down to it. We trust Him to provide where we cannot on our own.

I am so excited to be able to share this with all of you. I am expecting good things! I will keep you updated as I know more.