Friday, April 22, 2011

HE GOT IN!!!!!!!!!!!!`

We got word this week that Karter will be going to James Hill this September! He got a space in the community special needs class. We are so happy. We know that this program suits his needs so well and that a program will be tailor made for him.

In the next two months, there will be a preschool visit from his future classroom teachers as well a transition meeting. We are so happy so see things moving in this direction and to have answers as to what the fall looks like for Karter.


happymomlori said...

Yay! Looking forward to seeing Karter at James Hill.

The Christmas concerts are the best!

Cathi said...

I never made to connection before but Andrea Laird, Morgan's (from kindergarten) mom works there! She's awesome...I'm sure Karter will have an amazing time there.