Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Ketogenic Diet - Day 2

Karter woke up happily this morning at 8.  We took his blood sugars and measured keytones when he woke and everything was in good range.

Karter had a liquid breakfast.  This was not received well and I ended up syrigning it all in...much to his disgust, but I did get it all in ;-)

We were back to Children's for 10am today.  When we arrived, we went over the keytone and blood sugar levels from the day before.  Karter had a seizure early this morning, probably from the extreme change his body was starting to undergo.

Blood sugars were all within normal ranges and he was already well into ketosis (he was at a 16 by morning, which was very fast).

We went straight to the kitchen to watch how his meals are prepared and how to follow the recipes.  Every ingredient for each meal and snack has to be weighed within .2 of an gram.  So as an example this might be what a recipe looks like (measurements are just examples)

50g heavy cream
39g chicken breast
40g veg
30g mayo

The ratio is 4 fat grams to every 1 gram of carbs.  Crazy sounding based on the Canada food guide, I know.  But if you recall, the food that goes into his mouth is now looked at a medicine, not nutrition.  The nutrition come 100% from his supplements.

We created a days worth of meals together.  Karter eats every 2-3 hours.  And does not go more than 12 hours at night between meals.  This is essential in maintaining good ketosis and blood sugar levels.  His day looks like this:

Breakfast 7:30/8
Morning Snack 10/10:30
Lunch noon
Afternoon Snack 2:30
Dinner 5
Evening snack 7:30

Liquids are very important and he is to consume 1.3 liters a day.  This is our biggest struggle as Karter is not much of a drinker, but we are giving it our best.  He did not do too bad today.

Lunch was Karter's first solid meal since being on the diet, he ate it in seconds.  He really enjoyed it!

After lunch we did more training.  We talked about medication he can and cannot use (due to carb ingredients), topical items (creams, soaps, shampoos etc), toothpaste and other items we use in normal life.  We talked about alternatives that can be used.

We took his blood sugars at 2pm and then left the hospital for the day.  Karter enjoyed the rest of the day and was in a very happy mood until bedtime.  He ate all is snacks and dinners without any issue.  Today was overall a very good day for him.

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