Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Children's Visit #1

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I am currently sitting in the waiting room at Children's, in the nuclear medicine department. We arrived here earlier this morning so that Karter could receive an injection at the onset of a seizure. Then injection is radioactive material that once Karter is scanned, will show up in the area that the blood flows to during a seizure. That area is the place where the seizure originates from.

The IV went in without issue, Karter did not even cry (I would have!). Then we sat and waited until he had a seizure. Crazy really! We watched DVD after DVD (good thing I brought my laptop). The dye needs 90 minutes to fully do its thing before the scan. So they told me that if he did not have a seizure by 11:45, that they would inject him anyhow and make today the baseline scan that they need. At 11:42, he seized and the dye was injected. Ok, so patience - not my better quality....at any rate, I was relieved that we got a seizure after waiting all morning.

The scan is now delayed about 30 minutes. Karter does need to be sedated for the scan, and it seems that the anesthesiologist was delayed with another patient. So we wait. Karter has not eaten since supper last night. He has milk at 6:30 this morning and was allowed a small amount of juice at 9:30. HE is doing remarkably well all things considered. We did have to hold back his morning med's, so he will get those after the scan.

We will return here Thursday morning, however, we now do not need to come as early. I think they said we could come at 11:30 instead of 8:30. So hopefully I can arrange for him to get his final riding lesson in (grin).

These days are exhausting for us. And just being here really does bring back memories and feelings I would rather not relive. We are however, very aware that we are covered by the prayers of those who love and care for us.

I will update after Thursday's appointment.


Jason and Kristin said...

I can't believe how big he looks in these photos! You are such a trooper buddy! We love you!

Anonymous said...

Gramma has been praying today that Karter would be at peace and that only GOOD will come from today's tests.Love & Prayers to you all.