Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The new date for surgery is...

Friday May 18th.

I was a bit discouraged it was so far away but they just couldn't work everything out and get things in place fast enough to do it this Friday. The surgeon is then away the last few weeks in April and then the other surgery's that are scheduled in May are just as important as Karter's and cannot be bumped. So that leaves us waiting for four more weeks. There is always the possibility of a cancellation to get us in earlier but that is a slim chance.

So we wait and see. And in the meantime I have to believe wholeheartedly that God has a plan and it is a good one. Maybe He just needs more time to complete the healing in Karter's body. Maybe there are still a few things Kurt and I need to learn and journey before, who knows. One thing I do know is that in the past six and a half months God never showed up too late, He was always right on time, even when I questioned it and wondered where He was, when each part of the journey played out, His timing was perfect and along with it was always a wonderful moment of realization. Beautiful really when I look back at it all.

The nice thing is we have a little breather here, to "just live" for a few weeks. Maybe go on a date or two, play at the park, plan some family days without the worry of appointments and other disruptions. God knows what we need and when we need it, so there is no need to ask why. The main thing is to get Karter well and keep him well until after his surgery date.

I wanted to also mention that Karter has not had a seizure since Thursday night, this is the longest we have gone in weeks, so I am thankful for that. Also, the past three days he has been so happy; happier than I have seen him in about four or five months. He is once again vocalizing all the time and moving around like crazy. He rolls to his side at times and has gained amazing strength in his neck and head. We are thankful for each little milestone, no matter how slow it may approach.

So we will continue to journey and we will continue to draw our strength first from the Lord and then through the prayers and support of all of you who love us. There will be a day when things will look (for lack of a better word) normal. God is faithful and He is the source of all good things AMEN!

Thank you all for your support, encouraging words, phone calls, emails, kind gestures etc. You are the ones who hold us up and carry on the hard days and you are the ones who rejoice fully with us on the good days.

Blessings on you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, Father Knows Best. I think that used to be an old T.V. program but it still stands to be the truth that the Father does know best. May 18th it is or sooner. In the meantime we trust God for wonderful family moments and lots of laughter and joy.

Bless you guys