Now that we are home and life is slowly returning to normal, I wanted to take some time to really share with you a number of things that happened this past week that were so precious to us.
Throughout this past week, there is no denying that the prayers of the people around us have sustained us. But I felt like I wanted to make sure that first and foremost, God gets the glory for EVERYTHING that has transpired over the course of this past week. Because without His intervention, this would have been a very dark, painful and difficult week.
I would be lying to you if I said there were no tough moments; there were a few. But for the most part, there was this peace that followed us everywhere we went *kiss*.
As we waited in the waiting room, I was not looking at the clock wondering how long it had been or how much longer it would be. Rather, I found myself praying for the other families. The family who's infant was having heart issues and would go in for surgery the following day. I prayed for them and their little one. I had the luxury of knowing that there were many prayers sent up on Karter's behalf. *kiss*.
It was about 6:15 when Dr. H, the neurologist came out from surgery to let us know how things were going. Her words chosen so beautifully. Although there were a few surprises in their finding (the fact that his abnormality did span into the sensory/motor cortex) she spoke word of affirmation and encouragement to us. *kiss*. There was no caution in her voice or in her words, more than that there was extreme optimism. *kiss*. She spoke the words that we had prayed; that the surgery would be easy, without complication and would be successful. *kiss*
We were told that because of how invasive the surgery was and how intensive the monitoring was, Karter would not move his left extremities for up to a week. We were also told that his vision in his left eye would be off for a few days and that we would find that he would only look right for a time. Karter came out of surgery kicking all his legs and arms *kiss*. Also, he rested his head and eyes to the left more often than to the right. *kiss*. In the words of the doctor "This little guy is defying all the odds, I love it when I am proven wrong" *kiss*. Those were words that have been spoken over Karter many times. That he would defy the odds and would overcome.
One thing I had remembered from the previous surgery was that they waited a little too long to give him pain medication, post op and he was in a lot of discomfort for about an hour or so. This time, Karter rested comfortably from the time he left the operating room. There was such a peace about him. He even opened his eyes a few times just to be assured that we were there. *kiss*.
When we returned Saturday morning, Karter was in ICU and completely awake, moving around with no swelling. We were astonished at how well he was doing - again there was such peace that rested in that room *kiss*. When the doctor came to see him that morning, she too was extremely surprised. Here words full of encouragement and hope *kiss*.
As the day went on and the swelling started, a beautiful rest fell over Karter. He was not bothered by the fact that he could not open his eyes, he just rest in the arms of Jesus. *kiss*. I have been told that in those circumstances, most children are very irritable. Karter slept for 2 and a half full days until the swelling went away. *kiss*
The question that the doctor asked each time she saw Karter was "Any seizures?" I responded each time with a "no". On Sunday evening, she looked at Karter and then turned to us and said "This little boy is a miracle". *kiss, kiss, kiss* I looked at her and said "I receive that".
The final morning before we left the hospital, the surgeons came in to see Karter and were so pleased with his progress, 2 and a half days (60 hours) post surgery he got the ok to go home. *kiss*. When the doctor came in for the last time to see Karter, she spoken beautifully over him. She told us that she was "so hopeful for him". That we should see increase in him. In his abilities and in his development. Those were specific prayers that we had for him. *kiss*
Although there were a few moments on the Thursday before surgery that were tough, there is no doubt in my mind that the timing for this surgery was perfect and was intended to be as it was - not by mistake - but for a specific purpose.
We love our neurologist, she has done amazing things for Karter and we are blessed to have her on our team. She was away in China this weekend. Dr. H, who spoke such beautiful words over Karter, would not have been the one to walk with us through the surgery days had our regular neurologist been there. I will not discount our regular neurologist in any way, but God intended for those words to be spoken by Dr. H. Such a gift *kiss*.
Karter is an over comer, we have spoken that over him since day one of this journey. As I have watched him these past few days, I am awed by how incredible he is. How patient, tolerant and accepting he has been against all his adversities. I watch him trying to roll with all the strength he has and I am amazed at God's goodness. There are so many more things I could say about this. I just wanted to be able to share with you the little things that made this week such a God given gift for us.
We have turned the page. We are starting a new road. We are excited for the new things that are ahead of us and are thankful in all things that have transpired over the past few years. God had been faithful. He is the one who has brought us to this place and without Him, we would be puddles of emotion on the floor.
I wanted to leave you with these pieces of interesting information. After surgery, and all the testing they did on Karter's brain, we were told that there was so much Epileptic activity happening in that right lobe area that Karter was in constant seizure. Although we did not see it physically, that was what was happening. The result of that was lack of ability to move forward and develop. The doctor said to us "he did not have a chance to develop with what was going on inside his brain". When I asked he later how much of the tested brain, that showed that activity, was removed. She responded with "80%". She went on to say that it is possible that the pathways to the other 20% of abnormally developed brain have been cut off - thus the reason for her optimism *kiss*
God is so good to Karter and to us
Here is a picture of Karter from today. This hat was a gift from a friend, check her website out here Thanks JM!
AWESOME post! I love hearing all of those little "kisses" again! Karter is one blessed little boy and we are so excited to journey with you as life continues and his miracle abounds.
Love you!
** crying ** I love you, Char...non-stop prayer for Karter on this side of the world. That photo made my day, and being able to pray with you before surgery is a picture of love and sacrifice and miracle and family that I will never forget. *kiss*
What a great post and the perfect reminder of how God is always with us, before us, beside us and behind us. We celebrate with you as Karter continues to exceed the Dr's expectations and keep proving them wrong!!!!
Thank you Lord!
Wow - what improvement from when Karter was all swollen! So good to hear about God's goodness to you. Take care. (We miss you in choir, but know you are exactly where you're supposed to be.)
Oh Char.
I just feel the feathery Father kiss of God through Karter's surgery and post op. God has kissed this momma's forehead for having read your wonderful and encouraging post. Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful, amazing, MIRACULOUS!! What wonderful news about Karter!! I can't wait to see what great things God has in store for him!! That was such an inspiring post--a reminder of the Father's love for His children.
:0) Jenn VH
Hey, I barely know you but read your blog from time to time & just read a couple posts here tonight. (I think I may have emailed you awhile back & sent you an invite to read my blog aswell)
As a fellow sister in Christ, I was SO encouraged reading this post tonight. Thanks for sharing about your journey with your precious little boy. I can see God's favor & blessings upon your beautiful family. Karter IS such a gift & even though I don't know you, in reading your blog tonight I feel a renewed sense of appreciation for the things we so often take for granted.
Just wanted to share that with you & I will continue to 'pop-in' from time to time & keep him in my prayers as the Holy Spirit leads!
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