Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What's Happening Around Here?

Time is flying by and I realized that it has been near a month since my last update.

Karter was scheduled for an MRI today, however due to illness, we had to reschedule for December 15th. That day we will also see the opthamologist and the neurologist.

Karter has been so happy lately. Enjoying playing and watching what goes on around him. He has been a really pleasure to be around. He continues to make small gains every week. He is still rolling to his side and grabbing somewhat with his right hand. At physio yesterday, we were working on sitting. It was the first time I really saw him sit almost solely on his own. He is really close. He continues to get stronger all the time.

Our physiotherapist has confirmed that Karter will start riding on Thursday mornings at 10:30, come January 9th. We are so excited about that. We have heard such good things about this therapy. I will take a 1000 pictures of his first ride - you can be sure of that! You will be the first to see them.

Other things on the horizon...we are going to move Karter from a crib to a bed. There have been quite a few nights where I have come in and his legs are either up the side of the crib or his foot is stuck between the bars. As he starts to move more, the crib appears to get smaller. With the possibility of sleep seizures, we feel it is time to remove the harm of getting his leg stuck between the bars and getting injured. So it is off to look for bedding...a Christmas gift from us.

Karter's neurologist has started him on a low does on Nitrazapam, a drug he was on before. We give it to him only at night. Since he has been on it, he has not had a sleep seizure, night or day. I am really not thrilled about this drug because it increases saliva and makes him drool. In the past, it also contributed to his reflux. I hope that this is just a temporary fix. I will talk with the neurologist on the 15th when we see her at the appointment.

We are gearing up for a great December. Christmas will be at home this year, as Kurt's parents are going south for the winter (ahh retirement!. We hope for a visit from Kurt's brother Mike and also look forward to our Aussie friends returning for Christmas.

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