Yesterday, marked one year to the day, of Karter's surgery. In many ways, it seems like a lifetime ago and yet, in others, I cannot believe it has been a full year.
I went into the week very aware that the "anniversary date" was coming up. Funny to think that I was a little fearful of what emotions would creep up as the day got closer. Really though, it was a really great day.
Being that it was the long weekend, and we were unable to get away, adding to that the fact that the temperature more than doubled as the sun graced us with its presence, we took full advantage of the weather and got out to do things together as a family.
Friday mid-morning, we took our first family trip of the season to the zoo. Paige took her bike and rode and Karter (between naps...exhausted from the heat) took in the sights from his stroller. We then took the kids to lunch at McDonald's (every kids fav place). That evening we went with the Yackel's to the beach and then out for ice-cream afterwards.
Saturday, the actual anniversary day, was so lovely. We drove out to the Glen (my parents own a place there) and we took the kids "camping" for the day. They both loved it. Paige ran wild all day long and Karter took in everything and really enjoyed himself.
I spent a great deal of the day and really the whole week, reflecting on this past year. I have to admit, that I had figured a year after surgery would look a bit different than it does now, but I am really ok with how things are. I thought maybe I would share with you a few of the changes from this time last year to today... reflecting this way helps me keep perspective and really helps me count my blessings.
Before surgery, Karter was unable to hold his head up or pay attention to what was going on around him. He had no tone in his body, he was floppy and his movements were few and uncontrolled. He really did not move his arms or legs. He had learned to roll from his tummy to his back, but then regressed to not being able to do that. He had horrible reflux and asthma. He was on a nebulizer 20 minutes, three times per day. He had not speech sounds. He would not express his need for food, love or sleep. He never cried. He was having uncontrolled seizures, sometime multiple per day. He was sick constantly (pneumonia twice last year). He was unresponsive, barely smiled. He did not laugh often... I could probably go on, but you get the picture...
Today...Karter is able to hold his head up and look around with full motion in his neck. I can carry him on my hip without having to support his head or trunk. He no longer lets his hands lag when being carried, he puts them on my shoulder or chest. On his back he kicks his legs and reaches to the side to bat at objects. He rolls without fail from his tummy to his back. This week he has started to roll to his side at times. He gets his legs up and kicks them as if trying to get them over his head. He does crunches that we can only dream of. Sometimes he will go for 15 minutes non stop...this kid will have a six pack before I ever will. He crosses one leg over the other knee when lying or playing on his back and is starting to grasp the leg slightly. He is able to sit in the Bumbo seat, walker and jolly jumper without being propped up with blankets. He can sit on our lap without much support. In his highchair, he often reaches or bats at toys. On his tummy he is able to lift his head 90 degrees off the mat (when we can keep him from rolling over). He is able to eat without gagging on food. He is tolerating cold foods without throwing up. He is making lots of sounds. He cries to tell us what he wants and to express his basic needs. He giggles and laughs and smiles at us. He loves songs and anticipatory games, like peek a boo. I often say that he has become an active member of our family, he can communicate with us in various ways now. He recognizes our voices and cries when he is left alone in a room to play. Yesterday, I was able to put him in a swing at the park without supporting his head or propping him up with blankets. (I remember specifically doing that the week before surgery). Karter no longer suffers from reflux or asthma. He has had a couple of colds and one ear infection this year, but what child doesn't in the winter. His seizures are controlled very well with his medication now. The last full seizure he had was Easter Sunday, Praise The Lord!!!
So even though he is not running, talking and playing like other 22 month old's, Karter is doing what Karter is able to do right now. And for that we are so thankful!
I heard a really neat thing this week. "Healing is gradual, Miracles are instantaneous." I believe we are seeing healing right before our eyes each day. And a miracles is what I continue to pray and believe for. There is no doubt in our mind that Karter will be well, our prayers are not unheard. If I have learned anything in this journey, it is not to put God in a box and give Him the expectations. He is the one who is charting the course of this journey we are on. He is in control and He will get us to where we need to be, right on time (His time maybe...).
So continue to pray, we are moving forward, which is one thing I cannot say for last year. An keep believing with us that we will see a miracle in Karter.
I will leave you with one last thing. Over the past 6 weeks, there have been more than three people (not any of which are really connected to each other) who have said that they felt like the word for Karter that the Lord had impressed upon their hearts was this "Karter is of the generation that will see and receive miracles." Each word was so similar to that, it was astounding. When we are weary, and we do get there, God always seems to remind us through many different ways that He is still there. You have read countless times on this blog where we have testified to that. So keep the faith and believe that our faith will be deepened when we are all able to celebrate Karter's miracle.