Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A quick update

It has been a while so I thought that I would give you a short update. It is funny how time flies so much fast when things are not so up in the air and you are not clinging desperately to each moment to survive.

These days, things seem to be pretty "normal", our normal however, may look a bit different, but it is ours at any rate. Karter is cutting four molars right now which is making him a bit miserable at times but lets be honest we would be too if we had four teeth pushing through our gums :-)

I feel I have got a handle on the allergy menu was really not as hard as I thought it would be. really no wheat, no dairy and no eggs would be this gist of it all. There are so many great alternatives that we have found easy ways to make his meals good and effortless as well.

We have noticed since changing his diet, that his random movements have really calmed down. His arms still flail slightly, but they are not flying around like they did before which is making it easier to notice that he is trying to purposely grab for various objects. it's pretty cute too, when he notices the left hand and studies it. It is like he is saying "oh there it is again". So we have made gains there.

His asthma and reflux are under control and virtually gone. He had his first cold that did not go to his chest. Once he is over it, we will take him off the reflux meds to see if it is soley milk that made the difference.

Karter is still receiving physio twice per week from sandy and Estelle comes in once a week to help him with his exercises (boy is that a gift!).

We has a speech consultation last week and it looks like he will receive active speech therapy as soon as September (was I shocked! PTL). She was pleased with what he was doing and figures he probably communicates at a 6-9 month level. We were thrilled at this.

Karter continues to gain core strength daily and Kurt and I were commenting the other day that the interval between when we notice him gaining round has become smaller. So for that we are thankful. I still hold to the claim that we will take back the time that was lost. I feel that is what the Lord gave me as a promise at the beginning of this year. WHEN? Who knows, but as we take each day as it comes, we realize that there is no better place to draw our strength from than the Lord. And we grasp daily to Him.

Thanks for all your continued prayers. You who are so faithfully praying for us will be blessed! We covet your prayers and your support.

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