Sunday, July 22, 2012

Walker & Stander Time

On day in the Spring, I arrived to pick up Karter from school a bit early and I found him having time in his walker.  He was happy for me to leave him finish.  Here are a couple of shots I got of him in his walker.

He is doing really well pushing himself backwards and sometimes he will even pull his legs forward as if to take a step. 

We are continually working on weight bearing.  Currently, we have a stander on loan to use at home for standing.  Karter quite likes it; he usually gets to watch his favorite show - Little Einsteins - when he is playing in it.  Here are a few pictures of his time in the stander.

He does weight bear a bit without his walker or his stander; with our support.  We are very proud of how strong he is getting!

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