Because this chair is so new to the market, Karter was the first child that they have put one. There was a fair bit of custom work done to it to make it work perfectly for Karter. A special tray was made for him so that he has the option to play and eat in his chair whenever he needs to. The seating system was made custom for him and mounted appropriately based on Karter's needs. There were a few other modifications made as well.
Karter's appointment was right at nap time. I thought it would be a total gong show, but honestly, he was so great! I feel like this is testament to how much of a difference the chair will make to his life. He just loved to look around, to be at Paige's level and up off the ground in supportive seating other than his highchair.
The chair has a few options that are really great for Karter. The chair tilts to a lying positio, so if he is tired or if he needs to recover from a seizure, we can lie it back for his comfort. Another option is the removable head rest for extra support when doing activities where his head might bob backwards or when he needs to rest. Also, in addition to his lap belt, there is a special vest that holds him in as well for those times when he needs extra support.
This has truly been an amazing day. Never in my life would I ever have thought that I would be excited to put my child in a wheelchair. But for Karter, this means a whole new world of socialization and mobility; for us as parents there is amazing joy in knowing that we are able to give him that new world.
It is also so amazing to have experienced such support from those around us. From the various phone calls today, drop by guests, special notes, gifts etc, we feel so loved and encouraged. I cannot even express how all your words and gestures have meant to us.
This will be such an exciting year for Karter. It's here...bring it on!!!
:::Making Adjustments:::
:::Karter trying it all out:::
:::Congratulation Balloons from the Yackel's:::
:::Paige's first responce was "Oh, it is SO adorable!":::
:::Having fun together!:::
SO EXCITING!!! He looks so much older sitting up in this chair. I'm so happy for you guys.
Karter: You look amazing in your new chair, we pray it will make your life easier and that you will enjoy it every day. We are home in Vernon.Can't wait to give you a BIG HUG!! Exciting day for you. Love & Kisses Gramma & Opa
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