Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Special Project

I had a great discussion with a special friend this week. She mentioned how she was praying for Karter that morning. That lead us into a conversation about healing, faith and various other things. One of the topics we talked about was spoken words. Long story short, our conversation sparked an idea in me for a special project.

I went and bought a number of canvas' from the dollar store. Paige and I made it a project one night to paint them all. I then wrote healing scriptures on them. On the larger canvas, I wrote the word that was spoken over Karter. The plan is to hang the art collage over his bed and claim those words over him when he wakes from sleep and when he goes to bed.

I thought that you might want to check it out.

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Jason and Kristin said...

Those look awesome!

Tawn said...

a really, really beautiful idea. So Holy Spirit lead!!
