December 16th...that was the last one, really??? Its hard to believe we are almost into March.
Christmas was wonderful. Karter enjoyed all the festivities. Here are a few shots:
This one if my favorite...he was laughing hysterically!!!
After Christmas Karter settled back into school without issue, I was relieved that the 2 week break from routine did not set him back.
At the end of January, we spent three days in Children's Hospital having intensive EEG monitoring. Basically, they keep the EEG leeds (wires) on his head and monitor him 24 hours a day in hopes that they will catch a seizure. We had to sleep deprive him and wake him up throughout the night. He did end up having a seizure and they got what they needed for the testing.
Here they are prepping him for the leeds
Ready to go to the ward
Watching TV
Ready to go home
Karter has begun another session of horseback riding. We are now riding at a new place called Valley Therapeutic. Its amazing and for the first time he is really tolerating it well. There have even been a couple of times that I might say he actually enjoyed it.
We were shopping with my parents one evening in Costco and we found this great chair for Karter. They thought it was so cute that they ended up buying it for him. He loves it!
He can get pretty comfortable in it ;-)
Karter has had an adjustment on his meds and will be trying out a new stander soon.
Things for the most part have been going well, nothing major to report about. That should catch us up for now.