As an "A Type" personality, I need to know all the options in order to make a formulated plan of action. I am happy to say, we found a walker that will be suitable for Karter; even better, it will also double as a stander for him! It will provide enough support for him in the hips to build the strength he needs to walk and with 1 price tag!!! I am happy to report that the amount we will need to come up with is very little in comparision to if we would have had to purchase both the stander and the walker. I love how the Lord goes before and makes the decisions so clear and easy!
Although Karter did not just get in and walk away (not like I actually thought that would happen) he did put weight through his legs and move the walker forward at times. This was so amazing to see! He definitely complained at the level of effort it took, but in time, I can see him really loving the independence and different position to see the world in.
The walker is open in the front giving Karter and his peers the ability to participate together without the interference of equipment or the restaint of having to hol don with his hands. This is something that is very important to this Mama (especially with my Preschool Teacher background). Karter's abilities can limit him in the classroom and in social settings, I feel so strongly that I do not want to put more limitation on him with his equipment. That was just as important today as when we looked at wheelchairs last year. He needs to be at the same level as his peers and needs to be able to maneuver in the same spaces that they can. The walker met all those criteria.
I took a picture of Karter in the walker so that you could see what he looked like and what it is that we will be getting for him.
After preschool and a quick appointment to see the chiropractor (which on a side note mentioned how amazing Karter's head control and neck strength was - the best he had seen to date), we came home for lunch and Karter headed off for his afternoon nap. That for me means time to get to work.
As I was going through some new songs for arranging, I came across this song called 'Before The Morning' by Josh Wilson. I had heard it a number of times before on the radio and it did catch my ear a bit, but the article had a link to a video about the story behind the song. This spoke to me and gave me such a precious Forehead Kiss From the Father. Just another reminder that the journey is all part of the miracle. The most beautiful quote in the video says "If we can trust God with our eternity, we've gotta trust Him with our now" WOW - that's good and so true. As a Christian, I have never questioned my eternity. I have a very big assurance that I know where I am going after I die. But why at times,is it so hard for me to trust that the same God that will take care of me in Eternity will also take care of ALL my needs here on earth.
If you have a chance to watch the full video, I don't think you will be disappointed, maybe even grab a tissue just in case ;-)
So it has been a great day. I am once again filled with hope in the anticipation for our future. This is just another step in this years journey of "Celebration & Expectation".
Tomorrow we head to Children's Hospital for our six month "check-in". I am anticipating great news from them as well.